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Women That Inspire

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This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

UNICEF and Acast are launching a new podcast series called Hidden Heroes, featuring inspiring women and girls across the globe taking creative action to solve important social issues created by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The show will launch on October 12, 2021, during the week of International Day of the Girl, across all platforms. HIDDEN HEROES represents UNICEF’s move into original, human interest audio storytelling focused on women and girls.

- In Afghanistan, an all-girls robotics team, the Afghan Dreamers, builds low-cost ventilators out of used car parts while in lockdown. - In Uganda and Congo, former child-bride Faridah confronts parents forcing their daughters into marriage. - In Ecuador, a team of women hackers address the rise in domestic violence during the pandemic by reaching vulnerable women through secret messages in a cookbook - The Neighbor’s Cookbook. - And in Chelsea, Massachusetts, Gladys Vega launches grassroots efforts to feed her neighbors during the pandemic.

HIDDEN HEROES is hosted by Beth Murphy, who reported the stories, and the series is produced by her company, Principle Pictures.

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