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Why You Should Listen to My Podcast

· Time to read: ~3 min

This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

(By Stephanie Lee) On my weekly podcast, Truth Detective, I’m a huge proponent for questioning everything. I’ve been a fan of questioning everything for many years now. And it hasn’t failed me yet.

Throughout my years as a researcher, I have realized something important… now more than ever people are craving the truth. And I am ready to share the fact-based evidence, investigate, explore, and dig deep for the truth in those most important topics that affect our country and world. And I am doing this with my new podcast, Truth Detective.

All the societal and cultural events, the people in authority, the politics, the atrocities in other countries, our justice system, and corruption on a big scale are taking over our thinking. We think constantly. How can we not? This wears us down and makes us tired and susceptible to all the bad and ugly in our culture and society. In our country and in the world. Aren’t we Americans fed up? We ought to be.

Yes. Every day there is a seemingly new “truth bomb” being exposed. Is it a controversial topic or is it what is called a “Conspiracy Theory”? Or is it a news story that hasn’t been talked about that all of us are trying to understand?

Whatever it is, it’s turning our country and the world upside down. It’s dividing us. It’s making us a society of hate instead of love. So, is it any wonder why confusion, chaos, and fighting ensue? We are told so many conflicting views that our heads are spinning off our necks practically.

Despite what some news outlets might claim, I believe that Americans are genuinely trusting, kind, and good people. Americans desperately want to understand the news about our world we live in.

Easy to digest topics are the order of the day on the Truth Detective podcast. Listeners can and will make decisions about what to believe based on what their individual core, and fundamental beliefs are. No BS. Only the facts. Truth matters. One topic at a time.

You and I, together, will have the opportunity to question and uncover everything because that’s when the “real truth” comes out. And there will be call-to-actions at the end of every episode for further exploration.

Do yourself a favor. Question everything that is within your scope and vision. TV, radio, news, the internet, social media, newspaper articles. What is the agenda? What is the end game? Where is America going? And how did America get here?

Listeners of Truth Detective get no BS. Only the facts. Truth matters. One topic at a time. Go HERE get weekly episodes of Truth Detective with Stephanie Lee.

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