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Why You Need A Website

· Time to read: ~2 min

This is an archived page from 2019. Find out more

This lesson comes from podcaster Kristina Holifield who posted her thoughts to her Facebook page. Holifield hosts several podcasts including Meet The Holifields, Mom and The New Dad and I Am Salt Lake. Thanks to our friend Emily Prokop for sending Holifields lesson in our direction. Here’s why Holified believes you need a website…

Podcasters…you need a website.

Reason 1: There are people who still don’t know how to listen to podcasts. You want to reach new listeners? If you don’t have a presence that pops up on google when people are searching terms related to your content, how do you expect new people to find you? Make it easy for listeners to share a link.

Transcribe your shows. Not only will that produce great SEO for you, but I know of listeners who are deaf and can only follow shows that transcribe.

Reason 2: Engage with current listeners. Yes, that’s what social media is for, but what happens when a long time listener is trying to think of an episode to share with a friend or a show note they wanted to “look up later”? What do they do? Scrolling through a podcast player and trying to recognize the title in hundreds of episodes is difficult and time-consuming. Trying to track down something you remembered in a facebook group is just awful. Try it. It sucks.

Reason 3: Branding. Branding. Branding. Branding.

Reason 4: Opportunity for monetization. I know we are all worried about monetizing our shows. That’s the big elephant in the room. So, why not create something you can send your listeners to or something people might stumble across online that could help you create passive income?

Podcasts are free. We love them because they’re free. The majority of your listeners want you to keep making your shows, so give them an opportunity to support you. Create multiple streams. Get a Patreon page. Start a Big Cartel Merch store. Create affiliate links and share with your audience that if they purchase the things they need or want through you, it won’t cost them any more than normal and it’s helping you keep the lights on.

I believe in you. I know you can do it. Now go out there and make some cool shit.

Check out Kristina on Facebook 

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