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One of the biggest complaints we hear podcasters talk about when it comes to Apple is having their show rejected and not being told why. Apparently the big dog has heard you loud and clear. In an email to podcasters Tuesday night, Apple posted an update to its approval process with more detailed reasoning as to why shows are rejected.
You can find those reasons in the “My Podcasts” section of your Apple account.
You can also read them below:
Podcasts, and content linked from podcasts, cannot contain any of the following: - Password protection - Use of explicit language in the podcast when the
If your show is rejected but does not fall into one of the reasons above, you are asked to contact Apple directly.
Apple also wants to remind you that if you plan to submit a show during the holidays, do not expect your show to be approved quickly. Apple, like most companies, takes a break for the holidays. So if you plan to release new shows on Apple Podcasts in December, be aware of delays in the review of new submissions between December 21, 2018, and January 2, 2019. Shows submitted during this window may not be reviewed within Apple’s regular time frame of five business days. .
I have only one program that we’re having trouble with and I look forward to logging into the back-end tonite to see what reason they’ve offered. I’ve got it on every other directory (for almost 2 months now) and each of the 4 times I’ve resubmitted, we’d gotten nothing in the way of viable detail and were left guessing. i’m also curious - who was the Author here?
#### [Dawn Davis]( "") -
Am I reading that right? “Cannot contain any of the following”: – The words “Apple Music,” “Podcasts app,” “iTunes Store,” “iTunes,” or “Apple Inc.” Geez~ This feels a little like the GMO seed company who sues the non GMO seed-using farmer because their GMO seed blew over to his land. Wow. “The company that shall not be named”.