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What's Holding You Back From Launching?

· Time to read: ~3 min

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(By Traci DeForge) Have you been considering starting a podcast, but keep putting it off? Do you shut down every time you think about doing it? Don’t tell me. You’ve bought the equipment and it’s still in the box? These are common roadblocks you may be experiencing. Let’s see if we can get you past them and get that podcast launched! 

PARALYZED BY PERFECTION According to experts like Brene Brown, Perfectionism is simply fear showing up as a way to justify your delay. The best way to overcome the fear is to create a plan that has a deadline. Organize the details and get to work on something high quality yet attainable. Give yourself permission to do the best you can and realize it will never be perfect because perfect doesn’t exist. Feel the fear and do it anyway. 

Besides, your podcast will evolve, shift and change. You could decide to change your format, add or remove a co-host, or even go in a totally different direction. The beauty of podcasting is you have the freedom and flexibility to make pivots anytime. The creative decisions you make when you launch do not have to hold you hostage. Let things ebb and flow as you grow your show.

CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE I’ve worked with hundreds of podcasters over the years and a certain thing happens every single time right before recording their first episode. They “lose” their voice. The shipment of fancy new equipment arrives and like clockwork, the excuses start. “I’m too busy to record. “ I’m afraid I’ll run out of content.” and “Who do I think I am? I can’t do a podcast!”

Do any of these sound familiar? 

The first thing you need to understand is that you are not alone in these feelings. They are more common than you think. The idea of putting yourself, your voice and your ideas out into the world does not happen without at least some self reflection. The most important thing to remember is  you do have a voice. You can make the choice to share it with others and make an impact with your message. Sharing vulnerability is the new authenticity and your voice is your vulnerability and your confidence is your superpower. 

OVER THE TOP WITH OVERWHELM Starting a podcast can be as simple or as complicated as you choose to make it. Don’t get stuck in the paralysis of analysis. There’s a lot of information out there, and it can be hard to know where to start. Reach out and access resources available to you. Join podcast focused Facebook groups. Attend live or virtual podcast workshops. Research podcasters in your local area and meet up with them. Check out podcast communities like ShePodcasts and PodHive

The best advice is to start where you are. If you are feeling overwhelmed, break everything down into a simple action plan and then take one step at a time. You’ll be podcasting before you know it!

_If you want to learn more about launching or growing your podcast. Register here for a “Grow Your Show” Webinar hosted by Traci DeForge, Produce Your Podcast and Todd Cochrane, Blubrry on Wednesday, April 20th at 1pmEST. _

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