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We Want You To Be The Best You Can Be

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This is an archived page from 2019. Find out more

(By PBJ Editorial Director Ed Ryan) I’m a podcaster just like you. I know how frustrating it can be when you’re not exactly sure what to do to get started, how to record, how to post your show or how to get into Apple iTunes. During my second show, I forgot to turn on my recorder. When I interviewed Blubrry CEO Todd Cochrane Skype crapped out - twice. I’ve been there and it sucked. PBJ is teaming up with Tanner Campbell at The Portland Pod for a new course called “Creating a Podcast from Concept to Launch.”

Our 31 videos will help you master the planning, writing, scripting, designing, branding, hosting, editing, facilitating, submitting, launching, tracking, marketing, promoting, and audience growth of your show.

Joe Anderson has already taken the course. “This course was really helpful in breaking down a lot of the technical audio editing jargon into language that I could understand.” So has Shane Leketa. “Creating and building a podcast can be monumental and downright scary. Creating a Podcast course simplifies, helps and breaks it down for you to be successful. A must have.”

Avoid the mistakes I made and launch your show with confidence.

Check out the course today. And because you are a Podcast Business Journal reader you will get a nearly $50.00 discount (from $197 to $149)

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