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Walch: November Stats at Pre-Pandemic Level

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On episode #208 of The Feed, Libsyn’s Rob Walch reported stats from shows hosted on Libsyn and said downloads are back to pre-pandemic levels. And, Apple is STILL #1 for listening - by far.

62.9% of all Libsyn hosted podcast downloads in November came from Apple, which was up slightly. Spotify is still a distant second at 13.6%, down from 14.1% in October. In third was Google podcast at 2.2%.

Mobile is the dominant platform for podcast downloads. Walch said nearly 90% of all downloads were to a mobile device (89.27%). Computer downloads are 10.45%. Voice-activated devices are still a non-player in the podcast space with .28% of the downloads.

7.6% of podcasts received 5,000 or more downloads through November. 5,000 is the number of downloads advertisers will start to take a look at your show.

Walch says, “If you’re getting over 150 downloads after 30 days, you’re doing better than half the shows being published. If you’re getting over 1,200 downloads, you’re doing better than 80% of the shows being published. If you are getting more than 3,500 downloads, you’re doing better than 90% of the shows published. And, if you are getting more than 8,300 downloads in the last 30 days you’re doing better than 95% of the shows being produced today.”

Listen to the latest episode of The Feed HERE. It’s another podcast you should be listening to ever time its released.

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