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Turn Your Podcast Into a Content Generating Machine

· Time to read: ~3 min

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(By Traci DeForge) Have you ever considered how one podcast episode being repurpose into several other pieces of content to share out could boost your brand? Repurposing your podcast is an effective strategy to make your content creation process more robust, and it provides you with multiple options when it comes to creating additional content. It shouldn’t be a chore to create more and more content but a pleasure to create a minimum amount of quality content that achieves optimal results.

Grow your Audience and  Your Revenue Your podcast is the place where you create your own original content. You only have to spend time creating your content once and then let your podcast be the hub of extended content. Another important reason you want to repurpose your content is that it allows you to reach an entirely new audience. We’d love to think that everybody is downloading and listening to our actual audio episodes, but the fact is some people prefer to get their content through different mediums. It also allows you to add value to your sponsorship packages by integrating your sponsors in various content channels such as newsletters, blogs and more.

Your podcast is the hub… So what are the spokes? Creating content on channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok can be expanded considerably through your podcast repurposing.

Blog posts are also a great medium for podcast content because they can be repurposed into your newsletter content both through traditional platforms like Mailchimp and through the Linked In Newsletter option. You can repurpose your content by converting your audio to video by creating slideshows and audiograms and uploading them to YouTube.This saves on the expense of having a video created, and you don’t have to get camera-ready for your recordings!

How To Get Started The first step is to transcribe your episode. There are multiple options to utilize for transcriptions, and even some podcast-focused transcription services like Descript. Start by taking the transcript and editing it into your episodes description and show notes and even a blog post. Next, edit it down again into three social media posts. Also, from that same transcript, you can extract a quote to create an audiogram that you can use with your cover art, or create a new graphic.

This is a very basic workflow outline and you can build on it from here. Try managing the steps through a project management system and your podcast will become a content creation machine.

Want a deeper dive on the benefits of repurposing your content to increase your downloads  and your revenues? Join me and Kevin O’Connell from Descript. on August 3rd for a FREE webinar.

_Traci Long DeForge is the founder of Produce Your Podcast, and a consultant, speaker, and strategist. She can be contacted at or 912.223.9525. Visit her websites: and _
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