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Triton Launches Automated Ad Placement System

· Time to read: ~1 min

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On Wednesday Triton Digital announced the launch of Ad Marker Rules, an automated ad placement system that provides publishers with the ability to set rules that specify the minimum number of ad markers and ads per marker for an audio clip, based on the clip duration.

The system is available to all customers using the Omny Studio Campaign Manager or the Triton Advertising Platform.

With this system, if a clip meets a pre-set rule, the pre and post-roll ad markers will automatically be added. In instances where ads need to be manually placed, such as mid-roll ad markers, the Ad Marker Rules system will remind publishers to place the recommended mid-roll ad markers based on the length of the clip automatically.

“We’ve seen that not placing ample mid-roll markers ahead of publishing is a common frustration faced by many executives with busy production staff,” said Sharon Taylor, Managing Director, Triton Digital. “Since ad markers are critical for determining ad revenue, the new Ad Marker Rules system gives publishers the power to maximize their revenue by automating these ad marker functions, without disrupting existing workflows.”

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