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Tips For Branching Out Into Video

· Time to read: ~4 min

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(Troy Price) Podcasting is easy, right? The podcasting devices and services available to us allow you to produce and distribute a high-quality podcast episode in half the time it took just a couple of years ago. What are you going to do with all your leisure time? You should expand your platform into video!

The barrier to entry to become a video content creator has never been so low.  The devices and services that help to create video content have also incredibly boosted creator’s efficiency. With a quick Google search you can find all the video content creation tutorials you would ever need to become a pro. Another Google search could connect you with a highly-competent, competitively-priced video producer that could do all the work for you. Another Google search could connect you with pre-existing groups and communities that would love to see your content. See, easy!

The struggle to create video content that is an extension your existing podcasting platform isn’t related to the ‘if ‘or ‘how’ to produce video content, the struggle is how to:

  • Effectively produce content specifically tailored to your audience
  • Ensure that content you create on one platform does not develop an adversarial relationship with your content on your other platforms.
  • Create diverse content that is consistent with your overall brand

Below are three tips for addressing these struggles.

Most writers craft their introduction after writing the main body of their work – learn from them. Create a short form video (your short, reel, or story) separately after you record your long form content. You will have a better grasp of your topic and be more ‘Targeted’ and ‘Punchy’ after you have created your main content. It would be easy to start your video journey with short videos that build from your current work.

After you have a new video channel, tailor your content specifically for that medium. Imagine a producer that thinks they are mostly finished with their work after they write their script. There is still lots of work to be done and whatever they release where ever they do will look lazy and unedited. In this scenario any viewer/listener/reader will feel like they have received lower quality work than they deserve. You, as a producer, should give the content you create for each platform (audio, video, etc.) some special treatment. Maybe record a specific intro and outro for your video audience and even record a special segment on camera just for the video content. If you choose to record your video and just strip the audio to release it as a podcast, keep in mind that your audio is going to be consumed in a non-visual medium and choose your words so that the podcast listener feels they are receiving work intended for them. This way, each audience will receive content that is unique to them. Sure, this is a little extra work, but it will keep and grow your different audiences much better than a ‘copy and paste’ approach to content creation.

Lastly, record stand-alone content for everywhere you release content. Every so often:

  • Go ‘live’ on video and engage only with that audience.
  • Record a special ‘behind the scenes’ podcast that shows a ‘glimpse behind the curtain’ on how an episode is made.
  • Make a short form video and just share a joke or record an audio recording that is just a ‘slice of life’ story that does not promote your other work.
  • Share a guest content creator’s post on your feed/channel. If it is on topic, visitors would view this as something special.

There is very little reason to not create content for multiple outlets (especially video). With the current ease of creating and the popularity of video, you can greatly increase your influence with just a little more work. Consider if you have the time to ‘do it right’ and go for it!

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