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Three Ways To Grow Your Audience

· Time to read: ~2 min

This is an archived page from 2019. Find out more

In this weeks installment of 3 Questions For Traci, PBJ Editorial Board Member and Produce Your Podcast founder Traci Long DeForge addresses the biggest question we hear from podcasters all over the globe…How do I grow my audience?

1) Create a newsletter. Start sending a newsletter out each time an episode releases. You do not need a large email list to see increases in your subscribers and downloads. The template can be as simple as using your logo or show branding in the header, adding your specific episode cover art, title, and description, and linking the image to a direct download URL through your platform or to your website where they can play the episode directly. Be sure to ask for reviews. Remind people to give you a 5-star review and share the love of your podcast with others by forwarding the email.

2) Reach out to be a guest on other podcasts. Start by responding to posts in Facebook Forums or reaching out through social media platforms like LinkedIn or Instagram to hosts who have similar audiences.

3) Stay organized by creating an Excel document to keep track of your guest management outreach. It will help you track who you’ve reached out to and their responses so you can be reminded of when to follow up.

Create quality social media posts using Audiograms. This is a great way to get people to sample your show. Audiograms can be created through programs such as They are easy and quick and give a future loyal listener the opportunity to get hooked from the audiogram and want more of your podcast. You can release audiograms before the episode releases or post release.

Be sure to archive them so you can continue to promote previously released episodes to your new fans and followers who may not be familiar with your content.

Bonus Tip: Sign up for HARO and submit to PR opportunities that are a good fit for you and your podcast content. It’s a free service and you can find ways to promote yourself as an expert in your content category while gaining exposure for your podcast.

_Traci Long DeForge is the founder of Produce Your Podcast, and a consultant, speaker, and strategist. She can be contacted at or 912.223.9525. Visit her websites at and _


Zachary S Brooks -

These are some very good tips. Thanks from Dr. Z, that’s me.

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