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They Launched to Tell Each Other Scary Tales

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

The podcast [Someone Probably Died](http://O’Dell Hutchison), is celebrating their first birthday on July 21. The creators launched the show in the pandemic to keep their minds off depressing thoughts by reliving when they would stay up late and tell each other spooky stories.

Series Creators O’Dell Hutchison and co-host Erin Stallings say their intent was to sit around and relive our time living together when we would stay up far too late doing our best to freak each other out with stories of unsolved mysteries, urban legends, and other creepy things. We had no idea that a year later we’d still be at it, or that we’d also have a small, but very loyal fan base.

Their show synopsis is: “Just a gal and her gay best friend talking about unsolved mysteries, urban legends and the weird & macabre…”

We have been friends for 20 years always loved talking about the creepy things that people have done, or the creepy things that people swear are true. Nothing is off-limits, so long as it makes your skin crawl. Settle in for a wild and often irreverent look at stories of murder, mayhem, the weird, and the macabre where someone probably died.

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