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'They Did That' Highlights Overlooked Innovators

· Time to read: ~2 min

This is an archived page from 2023. Find out more

A new podcast from Sony Music Entertainment’s Somethin’ Else division highlights innovators who made significant social contributions yet have been largely overlooked by history books.

The show, They Did That, will focus on women, people of color, those who identify as LGBTQ+ and others, telling the stories of these remarkable individuals and their impacts on society.

Each week, journalist, and broadcaster Takara Small will shine a light on stories about extraordinary people whose remarkable inventions and contributions were largely ignored due to systemic bias and prejudice.

“I have spent much of my career researching and studying incredible innovators whose accomplishments have been erased from history because of who they were,” Small said in a statement on Wednesday. “This podcast will share the stories of extraordinary people who built our modern world only to be simply forgotten or have their discoveries deliberately stolen.”

The first episode premieres today and features the story of Alice Ball, a woman who developed the first known long-term treatment for leprosy in the early 1900s. She died at the age of 24, and her passing resulted in her achievements being credited to a male colleague.

They Did That is produced by Tiffany Walker and Ava Ahmadbeigi and executive produced by Lizzie Jacobs at Somethin’ Else. It is available across all major podcast platforms.

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