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Jacobs Media released their 2021 Tech Survey of 470 radio stations with over 42,000 surveys from core radio listeners and they found that 12% of their audience is listening to more podcasts than they did before the pandemic started.
Here are some of their key findings of podcast listening habits amongst radio listeners:
They found that of the 12% of people that are listening to more podcasts than before the pandemic started, half of them listen to streaming audio daily.
- 78% of smartphone owners connect their smartphone to their car to listen to streaming audio while 4% of that usage is on podcasts.
- The percentage of people who listen to podcasts weekly has grown from 26% percent to 29% percent.
- 40 percent of that podcast listening audience prefers to listen to live host ad reads as opposed to pre-recorded ones while 34% of them skip the ads almost all of the time, 17% skip them most of the time, and 21% skips them some of the time.
- 30% of their radio audience now spends less time listening to the radio because of podcasts.
You can see the webinar for their full report here.