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The Ambies Was a Good Show

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(By Joshua Dudley) The first-ever live broadcast Ambies, the awards for excellence in audio from The Podcast Academy, premiered Sunday night May 16 and except for some light occasional audio hiccups from streaming on YouTube and Twitch, went off without a hitch.

Jack O’Brien and Miles Gray from The Daily Zeitgeist hosted the 30-minute pre-show and warmed the small, mask-wearing, crowd up in person and online with some light banter and presented a few awards as well.

During the break between the pre-show and the main show, there was a very catchy animated music video that felt like a song and dance number called “Podcasts!” with lyrics like “everyone’s got one, everybody and their brother. PODCASTS! Issue them at birth, another and another.”

Cameron Esposito, the host of the podcast Queery, hosted the main show that lasted a little bit under an hour and a half and kept the crowd entertained with witty banter and self-deprecating jokes throughout, joking that her entry had been lost and that she was available to be a guest on the podcasts that she was presenting.

Unlike the iHeartRadio Awards, this show was light on big-name tv stars turned podcasters, however, it did have a short video appearance by Rainn Wilson as a presenter in his Terry Carnation persona which was also a plug for his podcast Dark Air with Terry Carnation.

Other presenters kept things light such as Hernan Lopez, former Wondery head, who made the joke that “as we all know podcasting started with Serial.”

Esposito ended the show with a joke that probably resonated with many watching that she hoped that everyone’s parents learn to download podcasts so they can download our podcasts.

Here’s the full list of winners:

Podcast of The Year Dying for Sex Wondery

Best Business Podcast The Heist Center for Public Integrity

Best Comedy Podcast Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend Team Coco & Earwolf

Best Documentary Podcast I’m Not A Monster BBC Sounds / Panorama / FRONTLINE PBS

Best Entertainment Podcast Even the Rich Wondery

Best Fiction Podcast Blood Ties (Season 2) Wondery

Best History Podcast Driving the Green Book Macmillan Podcasts

Best Interview Podcast Death, Sex & Money WNYC Studios

Best Knowledge, Science or Tech Podcast Short Wave NPR

Best News Podcast Today, Explained Vox Media Podcast Network

Best Original Score and Music Supervision Jacked: Rise of New Jack Sound – Marcelino Villalpando Wondery & Universal Music Group

Best Performer in Audio Fiction The Left Right Game – Tessa Thompson QCode

Best Personal Growth / Spirituality Podcast On Being with Krista Tippett On Being Studios

Best Podcast Host Wind of Change – Patrick Radden Keefe Pineapple Street Studios, Crooked Media, Spotify

Best Politics or Opinion Podcast Gaining Ground: The New Georgia Tenderfoot TV and Crooked Media

Best Production and Sound Design The Left Right Game – Ryan Walsh, Matt Yocum, Will Files, Ryan Sullivan QCode

Best Reporting Wind of Change – Patrick Radden Keefe Pineapple Street Studios, Crooked Media, Spotify

Best Scriptwriting, Fiction Dirty Diana – Shana Feste, Jen Besser QCode

Best Scriptwriting, Nonfiction Wind of Change – Patrick Radden Keefe Pineapple Street Studios, Crooked Media, Spotify

Best Society and Culture Podcast Code Switch NPR

Best Sports Podcast Whistleblower Tenderfoot TV and Whistleblower Media

Best True Crime Podcast Dr. Death Season 2: Dr. Fata Wondery

Best Wellness or Relationships Podcast Therapy for Black Girls iHeartRadio


Alexander Greenwood -

So, if you are not a show that is owned by a large media conglomerate, you are SOL. Got it.

#### [jdudley1]( "") -

not as easy to get noticed as it used to be Alexander, that’s for sure. I’m struggling myself to increase downloads on my movie review podcast Josh and Cassie Yell About Movies!

#### [Jose A Roldan]( "") -

I agree Alexander!

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