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Study: YouTube Is #1 Source For Podcasts

· Time to read: ~3 min

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This one is going to leave many of the podcasting elders scratching their heads. A presentation made by the University of Florida and Futuri Media at the NAB Show on Tuesday stated that YouTube is the number one destination for podcast consumption.

The sample was comprised of 2000 podcast listeners, who had listened to a podcast in the last six months and identified that they “listen to podcasts regularly.”

The good news for podcasters: The survey results showed that, on average, users listen to podcasts for 50 minutes each time; half of the listeners for either 30 or 60 minutes.

The strange news from this report: It claims that YouTube is the number one destination for podcast consumption (see the chart below). That claim goes against every study we’ve read up to this point, which state that, by far, Apple Podcasts is the number one destination for podcasts, with Spotify second – a distant second.


Georg -

…checks out - a study by Splendid Research in Germany (not affiliated) done last year shows YouTube at over 60%, with Google and Spotify coming in 2nd and 3rd (Apple isn’t quite as dominant in Europe as it is in the US). I suppose it comes down to the fact of YT being the second biggest search engine. I’m curious to see whether YT’s recent subscription app will actually amplify this phenomenon. I also expect Amazon to catch up quite a bit with Alexa being in every second household soon… However, I encourage my clients to go on YouTube with their podcasts. Thanks for the always awesome updates. Cheers from Austria

#### [Todd cochrane]( "") -

This group clearly has no clue what they’re even talking about, most ridiculous study results I think I’ve seen in years they obviously do not understand what a podcast is and where podcast are listened to they are do not listen on YouTube in any appreciable form, all providers the podcast is the space know that Apple is by far number one for podcast consumption in the world.

#### [Paul Riismandel]( "") -

Need to know who comprised the sample and the framing of the questions before we can even begin to take this seriously.

#### [Tanner Campbell]( "") -

If you include video podcasts in your data set, then you are intentionally misleading your intended audience. The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast is a podcast on iTunes, but it’s not a podcast on YouTube. You can call it a podcast, but it’s a YouTube Show, and a YouTube Show is not a podcast. And this irks me to no end because it’s pushing the idea that the average podcaster should put their podcast on YouTube in the form of a motionless graphic or audiogram because it will get them thousands of new listeners. It will not. Not unless you turn your podcast into a YouTube Show worth WATCHING.

#### [Molly Ruland]( "") -

Joe Rogans early podcasts were on YouTube without video, just a static image. Why not just let people be great? 51% of the US uses YouTube daily. Hang out with anyone under 25 lately?

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