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Spotify Lands Former First Couple

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2019. Find out more

Well, Mr. President, what took you so long? Spotify’s latest move in the podcasting space involves former President and First Lady Barack and Michelle Obama. Spotify signed a deal with the Obamas’ production company, Higher Ground, which has the former first couple developing, producing, and lending their voices to select podcasts, most likely starting next year.

Perhaps the former President really did take a liking to podcasting when he appeared on WTF with Marc Maron back in 2015.

“We’ve always believed in the value of entertaining, thought-provoking conversation,” President Obama said in a statement. “It helps us build connections with each other and open ourselves up to new ideas. We’re excited about Higher Ground Audio because podcasts offer an extraordinary opportunity to foster productive dialogue, make people smile and make people think, and, hopefully, bring us all a little closer together.”

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