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Buzzsprout Says Spotify Won Big In March

· Time to read: ~2 min

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According to Buzzsprout, Spotify had a greater market share of the total percentage of podcast downloads in the month of March than Apple did at 29.4% to 29.3% percent.

Discoverpods CEO Kevin Goldberg blogged about it, talking about how Spotify’s history in podcasting started when they bought Gimlet and Anchor in April 2018, followed by a host of others like Parcast, The Ringer, and Megaphone.

He partially attributes Spotify overtaking Apple to the “hands-off” approach Apple has taken to the industry.

“The app has been slow to adopt more advanced features found in other players,” he says, “they’ve been hesitant to develop original content or sign exclusive partnerships, and have overall taken a complacent role in the industry.”

Obviously, Spotify has spent a lot of money to reach this position, and that plus the recent announcement of easier podcast access for Samsung phones could spell an even smaller share for Apple, the makers of the original dedicated podcast app.


Paul Cheall -

Sorry that doesn’t make sense. “ Spotify had a greater market share of the total percentage of podcast downloads in the month of March than Apple did at 29.4% to 29.3% percent.” Do you mean “ Spotify had a greater market share in the month of March than Apple did?” It’s nowhere near the truth from where Libsyn stats are pointing.

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