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(SPONSORED) Closing The Feedback Loop With Fan Engagement

· Time to read: ~2 min

This is an archived page from 2022. Find out more

We’ve talked to many podcasters about a real issue in the content creator space – content creation burnout. You login to your computer, get your microphone ready to roll, hit the record button and begin your episode, talking into the ether and wondering if people are actually listening and engaging with your content. 

Of course, you can gather data from your hosting company to confirm that you had XX number of downloads, but without actually hearing from fans and seeing them engage with your content, the feedback loop is left open, which leads to burnout and the shuttering of many shows. The positive encouragement from just a handful of fans might have kept the show going.

Enter Vodacast, where podcasters have the opportunity to tell deeper stories with rich, digital content meant to compliment the audio. When referencing articles, or describing images in an episode feed, podcasters can utilize the Vodacast Hub and create visual timelines to enhance their stories, as well create a space to further engage fans. This functionality is currently available to podcasters. 

In the future, Vodacast will offer polls, contests, and more, further enhancing the connection between podcaster and fan. In addition, Vodacast hopes to enable features where listeners can participate in the creation of digital content in an episode feed, providing meaningful contributions and dialogue to ongoing episodes.

For more information, please visit today.

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