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Smallville Rewatch Podcast

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2022. Find out more

“Talk Ville” will reunite the leads of “Smallville” the hit TV series about Superman and his hometown. Tom Welling (Clark Kent/Superman) and Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor) will revisit each episode of the 11 seasons of the series.

“I’m glad we’re finally able to do this! Looking forward to rewatching the series, sharing stories, and revealing insights from my time on Smallville," said Welling. “Smallville was one of the most successful series on television and it’s the most successful thing I’ve ever been a part of,” added Rosenbaum. “Re-watching these old episodes with Tom is like going back in time… and it’s a happy place.”

The podcast series will revisit each episode of the television series show by show, as Welling and Rosenbaum re-watch “Smallville” and share information and anecdotes from behind the scenes. New episodes drop on Wednesday.

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