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Should You Publish During The Holidays?

· Time to read: ~2 min

This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

It’s the question podcasters ponder every year…Should I record my show or take a break over the holiday’s? Will people tune out or are they counting on you to be there for them because they’ll have more time?

Between today and Christmas we’ll be asking the experts what the answer is. Today we hear from Sound Off Media CEO Matt Cundill and co-host of The Upside Jeff Dauler

Here’s what Matt Cundill has to say about publishing during the holidays: “I like the idea of staying on schedule and encourage clients to do the same. Don’t worry about lower downloads; think of the new followers and subscribers who are setting up their brand new Christmas phones. If you need a break, record a holiday greeting and release it in the RSS feed as a bonus episode? If your podcast has dynamic ad Insertion, even better! Use the pre-roll position and do the same and forget to mention when you are resuming the show.”

Here’s what Jeff says about publishing during the holiday season: “If you have a consistent release schedule or advertiser obligations, stick to it. But the episode you release could 100% be a different format than you normally put out. You will lose zero listeners creating a 5 minute episode saying ‘Merry Christmas.”

Here’s what Hall-of-Famer Dave Jackson says

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