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Rachel Freeman is the host of the new Hungry2Live podcast. It’s called Hungry2Live because, after being in recovery for anorexia and exercise bulimia, the only thing that was constantly present for Rachel was her hunger to survive and tell her story. Here is Rachel’s story.
“I wanted to tell my story, and remind people, that a challenging moment in one’s life, is not the end, but rather the beginning to something great.
“Hungry2Live is about Human connection over stigma, taboos and traumas that we were told to never share. I will be interviewing people all walks of life. It was more of being an empowered human and overcoming some sort of challenge that has helped shape you into who they are today.
“Examples of some of my topics are: a first generation, college drop out, living with a physical or mental deficit, autoimmune disease, addiction in your family, disordered eating, body image, single parent, and making a name for yourself despite a setback. Having a conversation while respecting your boundaries as a human, and protecting their story is my number one priority.
“I’m a special education teacher and child advocate by profession, a published author and I’m currently writing a series of children’s books on tough subjects. One thing led to another and a story about body image, COVID-19, childhood cancer and bullying came about. This series is to help children learn strategies to cope and help them better understand the interconnectedness of the human spirit, no matter the age. It was also created in hopes that little humans understand the power of their voice, and how to use it to have hard conversations when necessary.”
Here’s a link to my first podcast. I look forward to your feedback at