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She Launched to be Heard

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

Shanimarie Ogilvie, a former teacher, believes that teachers need help and made a podcast to do just that. Her primary focus is making sure that teachers have a foundational base that will allow them to master their craft with proven strategies.

Here’s what she has to say:

Hi, I’m Shanimarie Ogilvie and I am the host of the Teachers Impact Podcast. I launched a podcast for teachers because teachers’ voices need to be heard. Teachers’ voices get left out of the education conversation when they are the ones on the frontlines impacting students’ lives on a daily basis. I wanted teachers to be able to share their knowledge through this podcast, starting with myself because we have a lot of knowledge about how to help students succeed through sharing evidenced and researched-based practices to help teachers master their craft. I went to a workshop and the speaker said it takes 20 years for education research to reach the classroom! It shouldn’t have to be that way, that’s why on the podcast I share research and evidence-based practices. In a nutshell, the podcast aims to help teachers master their craft, use their voice, and enhance student learning.

Thanks, Shanimarie!

You can find her teaching impact website here,

and all her other links here.

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