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She Launched Because She's So Darn Competitive

· Time to read: ~3 min

This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

Kirsten Trammell grew up playing sports. She even competed for a Division 1 college, set multiple school records, and went on to Olympic Trials before retiring from the sports world. She then entered the workforce as an engineer and while she excelled as an engineer, she says something always felt off.

One day after leaving the office, she just knew it was time to get back to her competitive nature and step out on her own.

Kirsten started a freelance career as a writer and began to reconnect with her love for sports, adventure, and living life on the edge.

As a result her podcast Who Wears Your Pants? was born.

PBJ: Why did you launch Who Wears Your Pants? Kirsten Trammell: I’m on a mission to help people find freedom in their life and reconnect with the things they truly love and live a healthy lifestyle. There is no “right” way to live life and I hope this space will help show that. I have an extreme sense of curiosity, a wacky perspective on life, and a love for diving deep with people, three ingredients to make for a fun and valuable earful of a show. Everyone has a story to tell, and this platform is an amazing way to help others be heard and through their stories, spark inspiration and motivation in others to live life on their terms, and to wear their own pants!

PBJ: How often do you publish and where do you get your content? Kirsten Trammell: I’m posting an episode every Thursday morning. I also stream video from youtube and my personal website The guests on my show have been, thus far, pillars in my life and the community in which I live (San Diego California). I record in a studio in Oceanside CA, cobopod studio and it’s an AMAZING time to bring guests onto the show in person.

PBJ: Why do you think your show will succeed? Kirsten Trammell: We have reached a point where the standard lifestyle just isn’t’ for everyone, and people are beginning to wake up to this reality. I hope that this space can be a resource for learning how to live on your own terms, a source of inspiration for hearing stories of those that do what they love despite the odds stacked against them, and an entertaining world to laugh in. We all could use a laugh, and I can say something silly or witty to give that to a listen…then that’s success in my book. After all, success depends on how you define it.

Reach out to congratulate Kirsten by e-mail at Check out her website and listen to her podcast Who Wears Your Pants?

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