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She Launched Because She's Happy Being Single

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

Brooke Bevan, owner of Out of Sight Online Podcast Assistance, launched her new podcast Day In The Life Of Happily Single, on Monday, May 3rd because she was really tired of how people think and treat people who choose to be single.

She says she is also providing and creating resources for lifelong singles in a positive and supportive community and that her show is a weekly podcast that “glorifies why being single and staying single rocks and how to deal with that nosy busy body that needs to f** off!”

New episodes of the show release every Monday and she says “it’s a mixed show with special guests and experts, solo topics, a book club, and bonus episodes thrown in every now and then just because I can.”

“Never forget,” Brooke says, “that being single means you never have to justify eating the ice cream out of the carton!”

A trailer is available here.

Brooke can be reached at

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