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She Launched Because She Was Tuckered Out

· Time to read: ~3 min

This is an archived page from 2020. Find out more

Ami Thakkar launched her podcast called AmiTuckeredOut as a passion project interviewing South Asian trailblazers around the world working in a variety of industries. With 25 episodes under her belt and 10,000 unique downloads Amy says her podcast touches on topics she could never talk about in front of those aunties and uncles she grew up with.

PBJ: Why did you decide to launch a podcast? Tell us the story. AMI Thakkar: I first launched AmiTuckeredOut back in December 2017 when I was living in Dallas and was taking care of my two little ones at home.  My husband and I had just completed our 4th move (we move around a lot because of his career, we’re on our 6th move now) and I was already a retired lawyer at 30 who had to restart her career (worked at start-ups, freelance writer, non-profits) many times because of our lifestyle.  I decided a few things:

  1. I wanted to focus my energy on my strengths which include connecting with people in an honest way and storytelling 2) I was ready to start something of my own.  My name is pronounced ‘Uh-me Tucker’ and I just thought it was appropriate to call it AmiTuckeredOut because frankly, I was exhausted. The other reason I decided to launch the podcast is because of my background. I am a first-generation South Asian born and raised in the US and I wanted to share that unique story in a fun, educational and real way.  We all know a lot of South Asians are doctors, lawyers, engineers and are in tech, of course…but our community is so much more than that.  I have a really strong network in the South Asian community and I started realizing how many friends were doing amazing things in their careers/lives.  So, I thought, why not start interviewing them?

PBJ: Describe the content and how you find it? AMI Thakkar: My content is interview based and I find all my guests through my own connections or through people that know them.  Here is a list of a few of my latest guests-Lisa Ray- author, activist, actress and model Maneet Chauhan- celebrity chef Tara Narula- cardiologist, Senior Medical Correspondent for CBS News

PBJ: How will you get the word out? AMI Thakkar: As of now, I’m getting the word out through social media, friends, my guests, my network and media outlets such as Podcast Business Journal.  It’s definitely tough!  I’m lucky to have a very supportive community who really wants to see this podcast do well.

PBJ: Do you plan to monetize the show? AMI Thakkar: That would definitely be a nice bonus! I think it would either be through advertising or if I was asked to join a larger platform.

PBJ: What equipment, hosting company, editing software, etc. are you using? AMI Thakkar: When I started off the show, I was working with a producer in Dallas who was helping with the technical side of things- Audacity, Zencastr and Skype was how we initially started. I’m now on my own and started recorded via Zoom. Resonate Recordings is helping me with editing and I’m in the process of using Headliner for the first time!

Reach out to Amy to congratulate her on her show at and you can listen to her show on her website HERE or on Apple Podcasts HERE.

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