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SBS Launches Podcast Called Bad Taste

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2022. Find out more

Bad Taste explores the concept of ‘good food’ – uncovering the lesser-known stories behind the Australian palate, and analyzing who calls the shots on what’s deemed a delicacy or a dud.

Hosted by Melbourne food writer Jess Ho, episode 1 examines Spam, and its changing relevance from an army ration to a food that’s found in pantries worldwide. The episode also features insights from head chef of stellar Melbourne restaurant Etta, Rosheen Kaul, and Kooking with a Koori home chef and influencer Nathan Lyons.

New episodes of Bad Taste will drop every Wednesday.

Podcast host Jess Ho said, “I spent a lot of time as a food writer oversimplifying any cuisine that wasn’t French, which made me wonder why we would expect the general public to automatically know what steak tartare is but have to explain something like yukhoe by comparison. In Bad Taste, I wanted to explore the complexity of different dishes and let them be their own hero, rather than contextualise them to something European. I wanted to explore the full story behind each dish and see how they make us who we are.”

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