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Salem Launches 23-Year Old Host

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Julie Hartman’s show Timeless will air Tuesdays through Fridays at 4pm ET on YouTube and will also be available as a podcast. The 23-year old Hartman graduated from Harvard University last May. She’s a standing guest host for Salem’s nationally syndicated talk radio programs. She has also been co-hosting a show with Dennis Prager since last March, called Dennis and Julie, which airs Mondays at 4pm ET on YouTube and is also available as a podcast. On her new show Timeless, Julie will discuss the news as well as offer a perspective involving history, human nature, economics, religion, and other aspects of life.

“Many Americans, especially my age, have regrettably lost the understanding that we’ve been passed the treasure of civilization – that it’s our obligation to guard and burnish it for the next generation. I intend to reawaken this responsibility in my audience,” Julie said. “I also hope to reignite the spark that there is so much more in life to consider than just the politics that we rehash all day.”

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