This is an archived page from 2020. Find out more
In our latest installment from podcast industry leaders about the year that was, and the year we are about to jump into, we check in with Attorney Gordon Firemark.
Here’s what Gordon had to say about 2020 and his look ahead to 2021. “I think 2020 will be remembered as the year Podcasting really came into its own as a medium and as a business. With less opportunity to get out of our homes, and with many people out of work, both listening and content-creation have been on an upswing, and I think (and hope) that this will continue into the distant future. Podcasting provides creators from all walks of life with a more level playing-field than has ever before been available, so we’re seeing an unprecedented diversity of voices and viewpoints as well as new, exciting opportunities to make podcasting a career and/or business. At the same time, we’re seeing a few very large platforms consolidating their positions in the space, which can be seen as a threat to diversity and inclusion. I predict that these parallel trend will continue. More platform exclusive content while independent voices will continue to enter the marketplace of ideas. In the long run, this will be good for podcasting, and for society, but there will be growing pains.
Gordon says the biggest story of 2020 (that had nothing to do with the pandemic) was “Joe Rogan’s huge deal at Spotify, and subsequent issues surrounding his controversial guests and topics.”
Our previous interviews Danielle Desir - The Thought Card Neal Shore** – **Triton Digital CEO Todd Cochrane – Blubrry Founder Rob Greenlee – Chairman of The Podcast Academy Board of Directors Matty Staudt – CEO of Jam Street Media Jack Hobbs – CEO reVOLVER