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Chronicles Abroad

· Time to read: ~4 min

This is an archived page from 2018. Find out more

The Chronicles Abroad podcast is about the journey, the process, and the experience of travel. It’s hosted by Nubia Younge and Frantzces Lys.

Their mission is to inspire listeners through a collection of stories from courageous travelers and expats. They want to bridge gaps and build global connections with their show.

When they launched, they knew nothing about technology or how to host a podcast, but they had a shared vision. They are both over-35 women of color who are empty-nesters who embarked on something so out of their comfort zone that it’s been resonating with more people than they thought.

They tell PBJ they are committed to inspiring people to travel more while assisting others to create a life full of possibilities. “We want our listeners to realize they have the freedom to design a new life at any given point –– a life they’re in love with. We believe travel is transformative.”

PBJ: How long have you been podcasting and when did you start? Nubia & Frantzces: Chronicles Abroad launched on February 7, 2018.

PBJ: Why are you podcasting? **Nubia & Frantzces: **We started Chronicles Abroad as a way to share our stories and communicate with people from all over the world. We’ve been on a mission to educate people on the holistic approach to travel and explore the options of working and living abroad so that they can make better-informed decisions about taking the next step in their lives to potentially move abroad or travel more. We realized when we were on our own journeys we couldn’t find much information that related to us, we couldn’t find people around the same age as us who were also parents. We were also receiving a lot of questions from people and decided to create a platform to educate, empower, and inspire. Our goal is to reach a broader audience of more seasoned individuals, particularly 30-plus, who are looking to have more control of their lives by figuring out what is holding them back from achieving their dreams. But also help those who haven’t taken their first step to take their first step.

PBJ: What is your podcast about and how did you pick this topic? **Nubia & Frantzces: **Chronicles Abroad podcast is about the journey, the process, and the experience of travel. Our mission is to inspire our listeners through a collection of amazing stories from courageous (and inspirational) travelers and expats. We want to bridge gaps and build global connections!

PBJ: Do you have a website and/or app? **Nubia & Frantzces: **Yes, we have a website We don’t have an app at the moment but I’m sure we’ll get one in the near future.

PBJ: How are you marketing your podcast? **Nubia & Frantzces: **We market mostly through Instagram and Facebook. We aren’t using any paid ad marketing measures at this time.

PBJ: How many downloads/listens are you getting? **Nubia & Frantzces: **Currently, we have over 6,000 downloads; we’re in 67 countries and 40 U.S. states and territories.

PBJ: What are your biggest challenges? **Nubia & Frantzces: **There are a few challenges: understanding how to market our podcast has been difficult, we would like to reach a broader audience but our strength isn’t in marketing. We also know that podcasting is a long game and we’re in it for the long haul. Another challenge is implementing different ways to monetize the podcast. The last challenge is we live in Thailand, so one of our hurdles is scheduling our interviews. Our interviewees are from all over the world so timing gets tricky.

PBJ: Are you making any money? If so, how? **Nubia & Frantzces: **Not at the moment but we’re working on it!

PBJ: Do you care/want to make money, and what is your plan? **Nubia & Frantzces: **We definitely care about it mainly because we hope to one day take 10 high school seniors abroad for a 30-day abroad experience. We would like to assist students in getting their passports and seeing the world because we believe traveling is transformative. We are looking into creating sponsorships with other businesses.

PBJ: What advice do you have for other podcasters considering a launch? **Nubia & Frantzces: **Understand that podcasting is a long-game and consistency is the key to podcasting. But ultimately, just do it! Don’t overthink it. Like anything else, with practice, you’ll get better and your confidence will grow.

PBJ: What equipment are you using? **Nubia & Frantzces: **Currently, we use Skype and record our episodes using Ecamm. Blubrry is our hosting company and Audacity is our preferred editing software. Frantzces uses an Audia Technica mic and headset. Nubia uses a Blue Snowball Ice microphone.

How Chronicles Abroad can be found: Website  Apple iHeart Spotify Facebook Instagram

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