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(By Thom Singer) Growing a podcast does not happen by accident. You have to be intentional about the guests you invite on your show and how you utilize social media to promote each episode.
Devi Adea, host of The Spiritual Entrepreneur, podcast is launching a new show where she is interviewing successful podcasters about how they grow their audience and monetize their efforts.On the Podcasters on Purpose podcast, which will launch on January 22, 2019, Devi and her guests will talk about proven and fresh ideas to be focused on as a podcaster.
“A top way to grow your show is to interview influencers in your industry,” says Devi. “Pay attention to social media and identify who are the most listened-to experts in your field and get them on our podcast.“While this advice seems simple, too many people are just filling their episodes with anyone they can find.It takes effort to identify the right mix of guests.
“An influencer, by definition, have people they influence,” adds Devi. Thus, when you can have them on the show, their followers will find your podcast.Additionally, influencers know other influencers, so after every interview she asks everyone, “Who would make an ideal guest for you to interview based on your experience being a guest.“Most give her three or four names, so she continues to add to this circle of interviewing people with big followings.
Another idea is to search Facebook for active groups that are run by people in your industry who are not as well known as other influencers.These people are not being interviewed as often, and after the episode posts they will often share the interview with their FB following.
Devi also thinks that to be a podcaster on purpose you cannot be one and done with an episode.Keep promoting your shows long after they originally went live the first time. Use a tool like Social Jukebox to start a rotation of tweets and other posts to get your evergreen content back out into the universe.
Thom Singer is the host of the Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do podcast.