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Podcast Listening on The Rise

· Time to read: ~2 min

This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

That’s what a new survey of 2,000 US podcast consumers told Nielsen and Acast. The study concludes people are listening more to podcasts and plan to listen more in the future.

According to the findings, in the past six months, consumption of podcasts has increased more so than most other media — especially when compared to other audio-based media.

Also, 52% of listeners said they increased podcast consumption over the past six months and 41% say the expect to increase their podcast listening even further in the future.

Here’s what these 2,000 people like to listen to: 70% of listeners say they enjoy listening to guest interviews, 58% of listeners say they enjoy listening to panel discussions and 55% of listeners say they enjoy listening to host banter.

The study also looked into podcast advertising. Only 25% of the 2,000 listeners surveyed say there are too many ads on podcasts, compared to 50% who say there are too many commercials on cable TV. And, according to the study, 76% listen to ads — while 73% said they take action after hearing an ad.

Half of all respondents said advertising on a podcast is the best way for a brand to reach them, and 55% say they developed a more positive opinion towards brands that advertised on their favorite podcasts — showing that podcast ads are a key tool for influencing brand favorability.

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