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Podcast Company Gets Evicted

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This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

This is a follow-up to our story from yesterday regarding Peter Green’s Yowawa Media Services in Niagara Falls. Green (pictured here) was renting space for his podcast studio at The Niagara Falls Arts and Cultural Center.

Green just received an eviction letter from the organization and says they’re kicking him out over the content of the podcasts being recorded in his studio.

Green was renting his studio to a podcast and video show called New York Watchman. Local protesters said the program was spewing hate. A group called Buffalo Concerned Citizens wrote a letter to PBJ stating, among other things, that “Yowowa Media creates dangerous, anti-democratic and dehumanizing programming. New York Watchmen podcast is hosted by right-wing extremist Charles Pellien and Brett Biro, with special guests who justify slavery, and who promote armed insurrection. The New York Watchmen is an armed right-wing extremist group that participated in assaults as a group on December 5 in Tonawanda and December 19 in Buffalo. They used the Wednesday night episodes to discuss and share footage of them committing the assaults.”

Green said his eviction is an attack on free speech. He says he had a month-to-month lease with the Center since 2019 and all of a sudden they evicted him after the local protests. He provided The Podcast Business Journal with the eviction letter he says was given to him yesterday. And being that there’s a moratorium on evictions due to COVID-19, Green says he’ll be asking the State of New York if it’s even legal for the center to evict him.

Niagara Falls Arts and Cultural Center Executive Director Kathie Kudela told PBJ there was a statement about the eviction on the organization’s website but we were unable to locate it.


Molly Ruland -

The entitlement is strong with this one.

#### [TH]( "") -

I hope he sues the NACC and “Buffalo concerned citizens” over this slander and libel! I remember seeing the videos from December 5th and 19th and did not see anyone get arrested for assault or any other charges for that matter! This is a direct attempt to censor a media outlet and should not be tolerated. I have watched all the episodes produced by this media company and have seen nothing even close to promoting armed insurrection or justifying slavery! I will be watching to see how this gets settled in court. This article fails to mention the other shows produced by this media company. Shameful to see such bad reporting without investigating!

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