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Nielsen: Podcast Listenership Down from Last Year

· Time to read: ~1 min

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After several years of accelerating use, the amount of time spent listening to podcasts is starting to wane, according to new data released by Nielsen on Monday.

The data showed around 41 percent of podcast listeners were considered “light users,” defined as people who listened to shows once to three times a month, a drop from about 37 percent recorded last year.

There was a smaller drop among those who are considered medium podcast users (four to 10 times a month), with about the same number of people reporting medium podcast use in 2022 compared to last year. The amount of users reporting heavy podcast use (more than 10 times a month) dropped from 40 percent last year to just under 36 percent this year.

Nielsen said women were more likely to be medium and heavy users of podcasts, as they represent a growing segment of that part of the audience, and thus are more likely to react favorably to podcast advertisements.

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