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New: Dark History with Bailey Sarian

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

YouTuber Bailey Sarian, whose YouTube channel Murder Mystery & Makeup – has 4.82M subscribers where Bailey recites true-crime stories while doing her makeup, has made the natural progression to a true-crime podcast in announcing Dark History with Bailey Sarian.

The new show will be co-produced with Wheelhouse DNA and airs weekly on Audioboom.

Planned stories so far include The DuPont Chemical scandal, the Armenian Genocide, Juneteenth, the Birth Control Trials in Puerto Rico, and race riots during the Zoot Suit Riots.

“Storytelling is a passion of mine, and I’m so excited to bring people into a whole new world with Dark History,” Sarian said of the podcast which she teases in a video trailer.


nikki -

This woman has it all ! Funny,salty,snarky…the whole gambit ! Love her voice,they way she digs into a subject and…omfg….does the most beautiful tutorial of 100 ways to do makeup while doing the podcast!!! Damn! I can’t even speak while doing my make up!! It doesn’t hurt that she’s killer cute before the first stroke of war paint.( pisses me off too! Grrr) Love her !!!

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