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Ken Burns On The Hereafter

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2023. Find out more

The latest episode of “Ye Gods! with Scott Carter” features documentarian Ken Burns. Burns discusses faith, religion and spirituality and how it fits into his career and work.

“I think there’s a heaven, but I don’t think it’s the kind of [exclusive] airport lounge that people think it is…where you’re no longer sitting with the riffraff…there’s something finer. The hell is here on Earth [it’s] what we create,” Burns shares with Carter. “I think that we’re a combination of spirits and souls just trying to figure out what we’re supposed to be doing. We’re odd collections of possibilities.”

As for turning 70, Burns reflects. “If I were given a thousand years to live, which I will not, I wouldn’t run outta topics [for documentaries]. So there’s an increased urgency now. At the same time, there’s also a beginning to have shifted into a kind of third or fourth gear where you know how to trust a process. Just trust a process [and not worry]. And so I’m working on many more projects than I ever have at any given time.”

The latest episode of “Ye Gods! with Scott Carter” is available now.

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