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Joe Rogan Against Vaccination for Children

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

Media Matters reports that on the April 23rd edition of his Spotify exclusive podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, Joe Rogan said that if you’re under 21 you don’t need to worry about getting vaccinated.

The Verge followed up on this by reporting that “A source close to the situation says Spotify reviewed this Rogan episode and left it live because he doesn’t come off as outwardly anti-vaccine.”

However, in January, Spotify removed Pete Evans’ podcast for being anti-vaccine and issued a statement saying: “Spotify prohibits content on the platform which promotes dangerous false, deceptive, or misleading content about COVID-19 that may cause offline harm and/or pose a direct threat to public health. When content that violates this standard is identified it is removed from the platform.”

Spotify declined to comment.

You can read some of the negative comments the episode is getting online here.


Dan -

  1. Joe’s not a doctor. 2) CDC has changed their guidance repeatedly. 3) We’re divided enough without vaccine-shaming.

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