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Jeff Goldblum Loves Dungeons & Dragons

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

Deadline reports that actor Jeff Goldblum is joining the cast of an improvised audio drama set in the world of Dungeons & Dragons starting May 12. He will play elven sorcerer Balmur in the upcoming season of the show Dark Dice.

The new season of the show is called The Long March. Dark Dice is known as what’s called an “actual play” podcast meaning it uses tabletop gaming to tell improvised stories.

Dark Dice was created by Fool & Scholar Productions, from Portland husband-and-wife duo Travis Vengroff and Kaitlin Statz. Travis produces and edits and Kaitlin writes. They have also created the audio fiction series The White Vault, VAST Horizon, and Liberty.

Travis spoke to Polygon about the origin of his horror-fantasy series, how it features actors from all over the globe, and how Jeff Goldblum is joining the cast of one of two sets of adventurers which eventually Travis hopes will do battle with each other.

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