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It's More Than Downloads.

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This is an archived page from 2019. Find out more

And that’s good news for smaller shows, which make up the majority of shows in the podcast space. The little guys trying to pull in an advertiser here or a sponsor there willing to take a risk and help , at least cover the cost of hosting or help pay off that Rodecaster Pro you should have never bought, but just had to have. Here’ what Dan Misener says is important…

In a piece at Pacific Content, Misener writes that there are six other factors equally important that podcasters should focus on.

They are:

#1 - Do listeners spend time with our show? #2 - Who are we reaching with our show? #3 - What’s the size of our reach #4 - Do listeners like our show? #5- Are our podcast marketing efforts actually working? #6 - Does our podcast change listeners’ awareness/perception of us?

Misener wants to remind podcasters that downloads measure downloads, they don’t measure attention. “Focus on time spent listening. If you don’t know who’s listening… ask. Measure sentiment where you can. Quantitative data may be scarce, but survey verbatims and written reviews can speak volumes.”

Read his full article HERE.

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