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Is The Future of Podcasting Female?

· Time to read: ~2 min

This is an archived page from 2020. Find out more

The CEO’s at Earios, Lemonada and Exactly Right say yes, of course it is. And all three get a nifty profile about their companies in The Los Angeles Times HERE.


Michelle -

Hey, I just wanted to express my disappointment over the headline you included entitled “Is the future of podcasting female?” This language is pretty condescending and suggests that there’s a question as to women’s ability to act as capable, autonomous people in their industry. Did you mean to suggest that women’s capabilities are in doubt? While it may sound snappy, this headline is meaningless. Of course women have a role in the future of podcasting, and so does everyone else. This is something that everyone understands. It’s not a question. It’s disrespectful, however, to the many women who’ve shaped podcasting as we know it today to say that there may still be some doubt about their ability to participate in its future. Why not orient the headline around things we can learn from these executives’ leadership strategies as outlined in the LA Times piece, rather than their gender? A headline like “Leadership insights from podcast entrepreneurs” would have the advantage of not framing women’s abilities as something to be questioned. I hope you’ll be more thoughtful about verbiage in the future.

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