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Is Exclusive Content Bad For Listeners?

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2019. Find out more

On the heels of the Luminary announcement this week that it would be charging $8.00 per month for exclusive content, Melissa Locker at Fast Company says podcast listeners will always reject a “Netflix” for podcasts.

She takes that theory even further writing that the golden age of podcasting will end behind a paywall.

Locker writes that as more and more platforms look to wall off content for paying subscribers, listeners are getting left out in the cold and now podcasting is starting to look like everything else, where only pre-sold talent who’ve had success elsewhere gets opportunities. “I have no problem with treating podcasting as a Serious Business, but as the industry grows, investors and entrepreneurs best not lose sight of why people love podcasting in the first place: the relationship formed between creators and their audiences. Not audiences and their favorite media investors.”

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