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How To Turn Your Podcast Into A Brand Winner

· Time to read: ~4 min

This is an archived page from 2020. Find out more

(By Dustin Siggins) Every week 62 million Americans listen to podcasts. Over 800,000 podcasts exist, 192,000 of which were launched in 2019. Like social media before it, podcasting is becoming massively popular – but its low barrier to entry means that the successful podcaster must have a concrete goal, a message designed to accomplish that goal, and an implementation strategy.

Fred Diamond’s “Sales Game Changers” podcast was launched in October 2017 “to provide a show on sales from the bag-carrying, quota-needing sales leaders’ perspective.” A co-founder and the President of the Institute for Excellence in Sales, Diamond has produced 225 podcasts, each one featuring a Vice President of Sales or equivalent from a medium to large company. “The show is a business development tool because it gives us the chance to meet our prospects up close,” said Diamond. “We present them to the public in a unique way and as a valuable partner, provider, etc.”

Diamond’s strategy has worked. The podcast and its transcripts have been watched and read over 250,000 times – but more importantly, his company has seen significant growth. “I doubled my business in 2019 and I’m on track to double it again in 2020, in large part due to inviting prospects to be on my podcast.”

Diamond attributes his success to putting himself last on the show. “The best podcast, radio program, or television show puts the listener first, the guest second, and the host last.” That’s exactly the right approach and part of his overall ready, aim, & fire strategy. Consider:

  1. Diamond knew his target market.
  2. His goal was to create value-added exposure for his prospects as well as create a personal relationship.
  3. His message was simple: let’s talk about what you do and how you do it.
  4. The implementation strategy includes, but is not limited to, going to each interviewee’s office, providing a transcript, and talking about what the guest wants to discuss.

The hardest part of any marketing and branding strategy is identifying and reaching one’s target market. Executive coach and “Mastering Midlife” host Mark Silverman is a success in the podcast world. He has 45,000 regular listeners to his interviews with diverse guests such as corporate executives, business owners, subject matter experts, and even his ex-wife. But his podcast has added few dollars to his company’s bottom line.

“In the eyes of the podcast industry, I’m a success,” said Silverman, who lives and works in Northern Virginia. “But while the show has brought credibility to my world of business and coaching, it hasn’t proven to be a revenue-generating vehicle.”

Silverman is currently shifting his content to be narrowly focused on his target audience. “I’m moving slowly to avoid audience whiplash and to not sacrifice the authenticity of the podcast. I’m also creating a seamless bridge between the podcast, my products and services, and the listening audience.”

Silverman’s advice to podcasters is different in word choice than Diamond’s, but it’s full of the same ready, aim, and fire principles:

1) Create a show that you are passionate about. You will be doing it week in and week out, and you need to be as engaged as you want the listener to be.

2) Always provide value. A podcast is a “give.” You may eventually ask, but never let that be the focus of your offering.

3) Consistency is key. A podcast is evergreen. 1000 people a day listen to Mastering Midlife, and it is mostly not the current episode. The bulk of the listener stats are people going to past episodes. Most podcasters quit after 8 or so episodes.

Mark does have one extra piece of advice for podcasters: “Just start. You’ll suck…so get better.”

Dustin Siggins is a business columnist and the CEO of the communications strategy firm Proven Media Solutions. he can be reached at


Fred Diamond -

Thanks for including me in this article. It’s an honor to be listed in the same article as Mark. The Sales Game Changers Podcast has changed my life. I’m happy to speak at length with anyone who would like to know more.

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