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That’s the name of a free YouTube event Podbean is hosting Thursday at 3PM that you can register for HERE. Here’s who’s on the panel and what they’ll be discussing.
“How to Make a Podcast Ad” will feature: Senior VP of Advertising, Kerry Tracy, Director of Customer Success, John Kiernan, and Customer Success Specialist, Roni Gosch, to discuss what goes into a successful ad. They’ll offer tips on what to include, production best practices, and audio branding. You’ll learn how to launch and run a successful campaign and achieve results through podcast advertising.
“Podcast advertising is an extremely effective way to reach your ideal target audience with an emotionally compelling message” says David Xu, Podbean CEO. “The opportunity for marketing through podcasts continues to grow and it continues to be one of the most effective mediums for advertising, with some 60% of listeners acting on podcast ads. We want to help advertisers create the best ads so they can get the best results.”