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How One Facebook Post Can Boost Your Show

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This is an archived page from 2019. Find out more

(By Troy Price) I was surfing Facebook on Friday night and a post in the Podcasters’ Support Group caught my eye. It read, “I just found out that we are doing a special episode tonight. We landed a special guest and I am so excited.”

Intrigued, I sent the poster a direct message asking if he could share more. We had a good exchange via Messenger, which drove me to listen to the podcast. Below is a composite of our conversation and my research.

Back on November 12, 2018 Nick and his co-host released the first episode of Daycare Podcast. From their first episode their goal was to allow military veterans to come on the show and tell their personal story. You might have the same question I had: Why call a show about veterans Daycare Podcast? The answer is in their first episode. During their early days in the military, their commanding officer barked, “This isn’t an expletive, expletive daycare.” So the podcast’s name is a call-back to that experience.

The special guest that spurred that Facebook post was Mrs. Katie Williams. You can listen to her story in episode 23 of the podcast, found here. In short, Mrs. Williams shares stories from her military history and her recent pursuits that have garnered national media attention.

With Nick securing his first national guest, I asked him what his goals were for the show in the next year. He was very specific. He said in a year he would like to be on the Veteran Radio Network and interview Gary Sinise. However, his other goals were arguably more impactful. He said, “Regardless, we will continue to help veterans share their stories and cover issues that are important to the veteran community. We will continue to fight the veteran suicide epidemic. Every episode is a milestone for us because every veteran’s story is important.”

I am so glad to be able to connect with Nick and listen to a podcast that I otherwise would not have come across. Thanks for posting your accomplishment in the Podcasters’ Support Group, Nick. It is obvious you guys have a great of deal of passion for the Daycare Podcast – keep it up!

One last thing, some readers may follow the above links and not like what they find. I am sure Nick, his co-host and their show will grow and develop over the coming years. I ask you not to share any criticism about their podcast, however constructively offered, as a result of me sharing their details in this article. This article was an experiment of mine to follow an engaging post back to the podcast host and their show. By doing that I found two guys using technology to follow their vision and make the world a better place. In that way, they are maybe more like Jobs and Wozniak or Curry and Winer than you or I.

_Troy Price is the co-founder of _Front Porch Studios_ in Berea, Kentucky. He’s been involved with podcasting for over a decade. Reach Troy by email at

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