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Hey Podcast Industry -- Meditate On This

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Taylor Kalsey at Discover Pods wants members of the podcasting industry to remember who their forefathers are…radio. And Taylor wants you to know your content is given too much credibility.

Taylor writes podcasting is “not really new, they just feel new.” “At their core, podcasts are radio for the modern age, but they will never be the default entertainment that radio once was. While technology has obviously improved since radio – its form is largely the same. Podcasts aren’t revolutionary in their form, but their function.

Ultimately, according to Kalsey, “While there is much to be celebrated about the art of podcasting, I think that its content is given too much credit for its popularity.”

Kalsey’s article is called What Podcasts Can Learn From Radio. We have a feeling some of you may disagree with this opinion.


Dawn Davis -

“While podcasts are more popular than they’ve ever been, there’s no way that the medium can reclaim the throne that radio once held.” “At their core podcasts are radio for modern age, but they will never be the default entertainment that radio once was. " Well of course not, silly. Radio was ‘default’ entertainment at a time where there was no television at all. :-)

#### [Edward Ryan]( "") -

You are the best Dawn.

#### [Harry Alexander]( "") -

‘Ultimately, according to Kalsey, “While there is much to be celebrated about the art of podcasting, I think that its content is given too much credit for its popularity.”’ Maybe the author is upset that some podcasts have more listeners than a particular radio station/program and thereby confirm the credibility. He should be. Much of the content on today’s radio is the same, thank to companies like Clear Channel (iHeart Media) and others. I know, based on industry surveys, that my podcast programming has more total listeners than the radio station from where the show first launched. Podcasting is here to stay, pal.

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