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Here's Something Cool For The Kids

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2020. Find out more

Pineapple Street Studios has come up with a great idea. The company has started a project called _Stuck at Home, _a podcast experiment for kids who find themselves at home, social distancing.

As part of this experiment, kids are encouraged to create their own Stuck at Home podcast featuring the content of their choice, including: news reports on what it’s like where they are, what they are doing to fill the time, and what’s in the fridge; interviews with other kids or adults; reviews of the movie they’re watching and books they’re reading; tips and advice on fun things to do at home; share their favorite stories or invent new ones; play their instruments for a music show; and more.

With their parent or guardian’s permission, kids can record their podcast using a smartphone voice recording app or laptop and send to StuckAtHome@pineapple.fmStuck at Home podcast ideas, guidance and information can be found at

Pineapple Street Studios will provide participants updates throughout the week on their podcast submissions.


Antionette Blake -

This is a topic I recently covered especially for our educator and parents - this is great!

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