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Headgum Chooses Triton

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This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

On Wednesday Triton Digital announced that comedy podcast network, Headgum, has selected Triton Digital to support their podcast strategy. Headgum will utilize Triton’s enterprise podcast platform, Omny Studio, to manage, distribute, and promote its podcast content. Headgum will also use Triton’s Podcast Metrics measurement service to measure their listening audiences.

“We have a big mission at Headgum to ensure the creators we partner with are supported in all aspects — especially with audience growth and monetization,” said Dane Cardiel, VP of Business Development at Headgum. “We are confident that Triton’s innovative solutions and knowledgeable team puts us in the best position to continue that mission, increase our reach, and meaningfully grow our revenue.”

“We are pleased to provide Headgum with best-in-class tools and services to support their podcast strategy,” said John Rosso, President of Market Development at Triton Digital. “We are confident that our solutions will enable Headgum to further evolve their podcast strategy while making the process of managing their content and increasing their revenue easier.”

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