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He Launched Because He Had Bariatric Surgery

· Time to read: ~3 min

This is an archived page from 2020. Find out more

In our latest installment of Why I Launched A Podcast, Mike Alley tells PBJ after he had Bariatric surgery, and started sampling all the Bariatric podcasts out there, he determined they were dry, dull and full of the same information. And, most of them were for females.

Mike tells PBJ with 20 percent of the US population having these procedures, he knew there were people out there that would enjoy hearing about his journey in a more entertaining way. “Hitting the year anniversary of my surgery and having already lost 135 pounds while meeting so many amazing people along the way, I fired up the podcasting machine.”

Mike says the show’s tagline says it all: Living that Bariatric life and eating like men. “I’ll be talking about my journey through the process and talking with other men who have had the procedure. It will be about living with this total change in your lifestyle without having to give up everything you love. Many people don’t discuss these issues and it has led to many misconceptions about the process and lifestyle. And FOOD!  We will be talking about food.  I’m still a foodie and there will be much discussion about how to enjoy great food without derailing your new life.”

Mike says his expectations with the show are to bring some smiles and encouragement to the Bariatric community. “If it educates along the way, so much the better.  This is a passion project for me.  I have struggled with weight my entire life and have now been given a tool that has changed my health for the better.  How can I not help others along the way?”

Mike’s been a radio broadcaster for over 30 years so he knew how he wanted the show to sound and he had the editing skills. “But, I will give a big shout out to Buzzsprout for a great line of how-to videos that helped me navigate the hosting and listing process.”

We asked Mike about his equipment setup. “I’m starting small with a Blue Yeti mic and Audacity for editing. I use Streamyard for live streaming in my full-time job and will use them for recording interviews (when we can’t be in-person). Buzzsprout is my hosting company.  Loved the ease of use and all the tools to help promote. Also their magic mastering process just saves me one more step in creating a wonderfully sounding product.

He says social marketing is the key to promoting a podcast. “We are @BariatricBros on all the major platforms: FB, IG, Twitter and even TikTok (you need to be there).  This is a community that loves to share with each other and I’m going to be leaning on them to spread the word.  I’m also reaching out to Bariatric organizations to ask them to share the podcast.”

Give Bariatric Bros a listen on Buzzsprout HERE. E-mail Mike at

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