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Guesting Should Be Part Of Your Marketing Strategy

· Time to read: ~4 min

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**(By Yann Ilunga) **The growth of podcasting as a medium translates to opportunities for podcast hosts, podcasting-related businesses and services, and for companies interested in advertising on podcasts.

If you’re reading this but are none of the above, keep reading because there’s an angle in the podcasting space that might be of interest to you: podcast guesting.

We’re going to take a closer look at five reasons you should consider podcast guesting and why, if you’re a business owner, coach, author, consultant, marketer, or creative professional, it should be part of your marketing strategy.

#1. Build a Human Connection Using Your Voice

There’s no denying it, leveraging audio and podcasts as a medium is an excellent way to let your personality shine through.

It might be because of the funny accent you have (like I do), or maybe it’s your intonation, your diction, or the slang you use. All of these things serve to humanize you more in the eyes (um, ear buds) of a person who’s consuming the content.

This is something that’s harder to achieve with blogging or writing a book.

And when attending conferences, it won’t be a surprise to hear people telling you things like “I feel like I’ve known you for a while” or “You sound exactly like you do on podcasts!”

#2. Higher (and Easier) Content Consumption

By now you might be thinking “But Yann, when it comes to humanizing, wouldn’t video be a better medium?”

I see your point. After all, video is the closest we get to an in-person, face-to-face interaction. So why should you opt for audio over video? I have two words for you: content consumption.

While a person’s attention needs to be focused on a screen in order to consume textual, video, or other visual content, things are different when it comes to audio.

I mean, think about the last time you listened to a podcast. What were you doing? Chances are you were multitasking and were doing something like jogging, exercising at the gym, cooking, walking your dog, taking a bath, driving, or commuting with public transportation.

This translates to podcasts – and audio content – having longer content consumption compared to other media (though, as a guest, you’re typically featured on one episode).

#3. Cost- and Time-Effective

In most cases, being a guest on podcasts isn’t going to cost you a dime. And, if you’re strategic with it, you’re going to find guesting to be very time-effective.

A consulting client of mine put it best:

“_When I wanted to promote my book, I needed to put makeup on and choose the appropriate dress for the television appearance. True, I didn’t have to worry about that too much for radio interviews, but I often still needed to actually drive to the radio station itself. _On the other hand, with podcasts, I can go on a ‘virtual book tour’ and do interview after interview without having to leave my home.”

Many podcasters do record interviews remotely, which means you won’t have to worry about driving, getting a cab, or anything like that.

#4. Low Barrier of Entry and Technical Headaches

When you’re on this side of the mic, you don’t have to think about the technical side of things too much – that’s the host’s job!

Typically, as far as gear, all you’re going to need as a podcast guest is a good microphone (the Audio Technica ATR-2100 and the Samson Q2U are solid, wallet-friendly options), a reliable Internet connection, and an account on a platform like Zoom or Skype.

Personally, I also recommend my consulting clients to still have a recording software on their computer – Audacity, Hindeburg Journalist, or Garageband, for example – and to still record their side of the conversation so that they sound as good as possible.

#5. New Audiences Are Listening…to YOU!

The final reason you should make podcast guesting part of your marketing strategy this year has to do with audiences and your message.

When you’re a guest, you’re virtually in front of a new audience on every single interview. I’m talking diverse groups of fans, and even prospects, you’re sharing your expertise with.

Think of a touring musician who performs in front of a new audience at every gig.That’s pretty much what happens to you when you’re interviewed as a podcast guest.

Yann Ilunga is a podcasting consultant and systems strategist. He’s the host of The Podcaster Lab and creator of what Forbes dubbed “Podcast Community to Join”: the Podcast Growth Mastermind.

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