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Grow Your Show Now

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This is an archived page from 2018. Find out more

(By Thom Singer) How can I grow my audience?As podcast hosts this is one of the most common questions.Growing the listener base can be perplexing when we see some shows with download numbers in the stratosphere while others struggle to get out of three digits.

Justin Schenck, host of the popular Growth Now Movement podcast started his podcast in 2016 and has seen steady growth in the popularity of his show, while simultaneously growing his speaking and consulting business. He interviews successful people with incredible stories of growth and helps others learn how to implement fresh ideas for living their dreams. Justin brings the stories that inspire people to overcome obstacles and achieve their big goals.

The show launched with two hosts, but after the first year Justin went solo.The podcast was also a once-a-week show, but he recently added a bonus episode each week where he shares his own business insights. Doubling the number of shows has helped increase his overall download numbers, but more importantly he says that the solo shows are a better way to connect directly with listeners and brand his own content.

To grow your audience, Justin recommends being realistic. Most shows have low numbers, but having loyal listeners is more important than the actual numbers. Don’t worry about the stats, and instead be focused on serving your audience.Word of mouth is the number one way to expand your show.

In addition to hosting a popular show, Schenck is a podcast production coach.He helps others launch and produce their shows ( He shares four simple but important tips with all his clients that lead most to doubling their shows, and one client increased by 10 times via these simple actions:

  1. **Be a guest on other podcasts.**Those who listen to podcasts are easier to convert to listeners than those who are not regular consumers of podcasts.Being on other shows will expose you and your podcast to a wide variety of new listeners.
  2. **Blogging and guest blogging.**Writing articles is still a great way to get found online. Keywords of your area of expertise are paramount to being found.
  3. **Interact with your audience online and in person.**Reply to the people who comment on your social media and make them feel important.It is also important to get out of your house and attend the events where your potential listeners are located. Speaking at these events is also a great way to connect with people and let them find your podcast.
  4. Surround yourself with other podcasters. Make friends with other people who have shows. If you want to learn the best tips and tricks to grow your show, have lots of friends in the business.

Justin’s final piece of advice is to be authentic. He says that those who are pretending to be something other than who they are tend to not do well as podcasters.Be yourself and don’t be afraid to share the whole “you” with your audience. People tend to be loyal to shows when they feel they can relate to the host.

Thom Singer is the host of the Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do

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